The West River Health Services Laboratory is dedicated to fulfilling the clinical laboratory testing requirements of our service region through the adoption of cutting-edge technology. Our lab boasts state-of-the-art instrumentation to guarantee accurate results with minimal turnaround time. We offer a wide range of testing services for both the hospital and all associated clinics. Specialized testing is conducted by Northern Plains Laboratories in Bismarck, or it is outsourced to ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City and Mayo Clinic Laboratories, renowned as one of the country's top reference laboratories.
Automated Chemistry
- Siemens Atellica CI-1900L for routine: Liver, Heart, Kidney, Lipids, Proteins, Electrolyte and Glucose monitoring, A1c, Lipase, LDH, Therapeutic drug testing,
- Nova Stat Prime Plus for Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Sampling and Analysis, Lactic Acid, COHb
- Nova Stat Strip Xpressbedside Whole Blood Glucose.
- Siemens Atellica CI-1900 pro-BNP, Troponin-I, TSH, FT4, Iron Studies, and Ferritin.
- Sysmex XNR-1000 for routine Complete Blood Count with automated 6-part differential; and CSF and Body Fluid RBC and WBC count including 2-part differential
- Hemosure Immunological Fecal Occult Blood (iFOB) test
- Sysmex CS-2500for PT/INR, PTT and D-Dimer
Clinical Microscopy
- Clinitek STATUS+
- Chemical measurement using Multistix 10 SG Strips
- Microalbumin on urine
- Micro Scan IV
- Provide ID and MIC for Gram Positive and Gram Negative organisms in blood, urine, sputum, wound, genital and cultures
- BacTalert 3D
- Blood cultures for anaerobic, anaerobic and pediatric samples
- Biomerieux BioFire FilmArray, Cepheid GenXpert and Abbott ID Now utilized for Respiratory testing
- Influenza testing (Screening and Molecular)
- RSV testing
- Strep A Screen
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae urine antigen test and Legionella urine antigen test
- Clostridium difficile Antigen and Toxins A&B
- Rapid Heterophile Antibody Test for Infectious Mononucleosis
- AmniSure Rupture of Fetal Membranes (ROM) Test
- Qualitative HCG test (Urine and Blood)
- Fecal WBC test
Blood Banking
- Ortho Gel Card for IgG, ABD/Rh and Antibody screening
- Stock 10 units LP RBC packed cells for types: A pos, O pos, O neg and 4 units Fresh Frozen Plasma
- Pheresed platelets with special order
- Work up for Rhogam, Stocked in pharmacy.
Contact us today for all your laboratory needs.
Main Lab: 701-567-6050
Managers Office: 701-567-6056
Fax Main Lab: 701-567-6326
Laboratory hours:
Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
The lab staff is "on call" after regular hour to assist with emergent needs.
If you have any questions,
Contact WRHS Laboratory 701-567-6050