

certificatesEducation Recognition Program (ERP) certification ensures quality diabetes education and support for people living with diabetes

The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the nation’s leading organization committed to fighting diabetes by driving discovery through research and innovation, intensifying the urgency around the diabetes epidemic, and supporting people living with and affected by diabetes, today announced the recognition of West River Health Services Diabetes Care and Education Service through the Education Recognition Program (ERP). In 2002 The Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Service (DSMES) was originally recognized.

The ADA’s Education Recognition Certificate assures that educational services meet the National DSMES Standards. The Standards were developed and tested under the support of the National Diabetes Advisory Board in 1983 and were revised by the diabetes community every few years. The ERP promotes quality for people with diabetes by certifying that services adhere to the National Standards for DSMES. Services certified by the ADA’s ERP program offer a staff of knowledgeable health professionals who can provide participants with comprehensive information about diabetes management. Services apply for recognition voluntarily, and ADA-ERP recognition lasts for four years.

“Daily self-management skills are essential for people to effectively navigate the 24/7 challenges of living with diabetes, helping to keep them healthy and prevent or delay the serious complications of diabetes,” said Linda Cann, MSEd, the ADA’s senior vice president of professional services. “We applaud West River Health Services Diabetes Care and Education Service for its commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based education and support for people with diabetes by meeting the National Standards for DSME/S and earning the ADA’s ERP recognition.”

For more information on the ADA’s ERP and other ERP-certified services - Education Recognition Program | American Diabetes Association